Sunday 27 August 2023


In the night to Sunday the real rain began. In the van each rain drop falling on the roof sounds like a drum beat. Some people might be annoyed by this, but I do really enjoy this sound. I sleep very well, and since in the morning there is still a strong rain, preventing any sightseeing, I keep sleeping.

But after 10:00 am I think that it is time to get up and out.

The clouds seem to open once in a while. There has been very strong rain fall in Ticino, south of Gotthardpass. Am glad that I did go already on Friday.

Today I plan to head a bit more towards West, because there is supposedly less rain. So I will take the Sustenpass towards Meiringen, then continue towards Bern.

The Sustenpass has a gorgeous scenery, which of course can be best enjoyed in good weather. But also in the murky rain it has its appeal.

For a while my Garmin navi did warn me about a tunnel, with a limited height of 3.20 m. I had programmed the navi with the data of the camper: length, width, height, weight. So the navi provided a warning that I would have problems. But on the road there was no sight at all for this! There was one for a limited width of 3.20 meters, which is not a problem at all.

So for now I ignored this, and after reaching the top of the pass I continued downwards towards West.

And then there it was: the tunnel with limited clearance.

There is a sign in the van that its height is 3.14 m. This appeared to me too tight, especially because I would have to drive in the middle of the road, without seeing how much clearance I actually had. If there would be another person with me, then I could have dared it. But now I had no other choice than to return and abandon the plan of exploring Bern and other towns.

I headed back up to the Susten Hospiz Restaurant and got a nice Raclette with potatoes.


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