Saturday 21 October 2023

Two more windows

This weekend, my friend Adrian visited me. So he could help me with adding two more windows to the van, this time on the right side.

This will be the windows for the kitchen. 

Here we needed to cut across several wall segments where the two layers of the Aluminium skin were attached with rivets. When cutting out these windows, several of the rivet attachment points would go lost, and I feared for the wall to become instable. Therefore, before cutting the windows holes, we affixed wooden bars on top of the planned window locations, which would serve as additional stabilisation supports. Screwed in by 3 screws from the outside of the van. Also one wooden bar below a window.

Then with the existing template, the same procedure as previously was done: assigning the exact window position inside the van, in between vertical support pillars, with the windows cardboard template. Then drilling 4 pilot holes, one at each side of the window. Then drawing the windows template on the outside of the van, and finally cutting the windows out with a battery operated jigsaw.

Adrian affixes the bottom stabilization bar. One can also see here the other stabilization bars on the top, under the long horizontal wooden board.

The first window is in. Same procedure as previously, with the rubber seal and inside structures pressing the plexiglass against it.

Adrian cutting the second window.

There is a 3rd window planned on that side, towards the rear of the van. 

Inside the windows are pressed onto the rubber seal with a wooden framework.

Wooden frame around the windows, pressing the Plexiglass against the rubber seal.

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