Monday 24 July 2023

Better mounting of the 2nd rear-view camera

After my friend Ken saw that I again attached the read-biew camera with blue tape, he offered some advice and help: using self-taping screws to affix the camera. I had originally tried to drill holes for fixing the camera, but the material of the upper rear panel appears to be solid har steel. I broke my drill bit. Therefore I used tape.

But then on Ken's advice I bought drill bits suitable for drilling in steel metal. And so I drilled two pilot holes, 3mm wide, then used Ken's self-taping screws with 4mm hole. And now the camera sits tight and stable.

I also could have drilled the hole for the cable inlet, but I did not want to drill in the hard tough steel. So instead I drilled a hole in the aluminium part, and that went like butter.

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